Dust Free Thinset Tile Removal in Phoenix, Arizona
Are you in search of a dust-free thin-set removal service in Phoenix, Arizona? Turn to DustRam®, the leading name in dust elimination solutions for both commercial and residential spaces. DustRam® boasts a 26 times patented dust-free tile removal system, ensuring a clean, mess-free environment in your home. Our specialized process for thin-set removal leaves behind no dust and keeps your space impeccably clean. Our patented techniques, along with our advanced tools and equipment, result in a sub-floor that’s flatter, smoother, and perfectly prepped for your new flooring installation. Watch more of our dust free flooring removal videos. Learn about our interest free payment options. Make sure to ask our team about tile installation services for your property.
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We Grind Down Thinset for a Flatter Surface

With DustRam® equipment, we efficiently even out high spots on the subfloor while preserving thin-set in lower areas. Our grinding tools are designed to minimize high spots in tile or concrete, leading to a noticeably smoother subfloor. Choose DustRam® Phoenix for your dust-free thin-set removal, or get in touch for a project quote.
Many contractors still use hammer drills for ceramic tile concrete removal, causing severe damage to your concrete subfloor and unexpected repair costs. These outdated methods not only create a mess but also leave behind excessive dust. Opt for a dust-free thin-set removal with DustRam® to avoid the hassles associated with traditional techniques. Our Phoenix team is skilled in preparing your subfloor for new installations, whether it be stone, tile, laminate, hardwood, or other flooring types. Our unique, world-class dust-free methods stand out in the industry. For more details on our dust-free tile removal processes, feel free to contact us.
Learn more about dust free as opposed to dustless and why silica dust inhalation is so dangerous.
Let Us Remove Your Thinset Tile Dust Free!
Thin-Set Mortar Removal Made Dust-Free for Optimal Floor Bonding
Thin-set removal is a major source of dust during tile removal projects. Every pound of thin-set removed can generate up to a pound of dust. The DustRam® system is crucial here, with our SurfRam® tool, we can simultaneously grind thin-set and profile concrete. This ensures complete thin-set removal from the concrete slab, prepping it for your next flooring. Many tile removal contractors, using outdated tools like scrapers, fail to remove all the thin-set, leaving patches behind. Complete thin-set removal is essential for proper bonding of your next floor. Additionally, the SurfRam® aids in concrete profiling, creating anchor patterns (tiny grooves) that enhance adhesion, ensuring a well-bonded floor installation.
Choosing DustRam® Phoenix or a DustRam® certified contractor guarantees the most effective flooring removal service. Our two-step process leaves your concrete slab completely clean, eliminating the need for your installation team to deal with old thin-set. This clear slab allows for more accurate identification of high and low spots, reducing the need for extensive floor floating. Explore our videos showcasing past projects to see the superiority of our dust-free method.
Hire Arizona Home Floors for a fast, clean, and efficient thinset tile removal in Phoenix, Arizona. Our team gets the job done right the first time. Contact us today for a free consultation. Ask our team about our tile installation services.