Dust Free Tile Removal Videos by Jack King of Arizona Home Floors
Below are many videos of Arizona Home Floors performing our dust-free tile removal service using our own patented DustRam® System and many more videos can be found on our YouTube channel.
Marble and Travertine Removal - Truly Dust Free
Here is a video showing marble tile being removed dust free. If you just have 12 by 12 ceramic tile, that is NOTHING compared to how difficult marble is to remove, check this out.
Removal of Linoleum Tile AKA Sheet Vinyl
Some homes have the old linoleum tile, also known as sheet vinyl, under the tile in the kitchen and laundry room, we discuss that on this page here but watch the video above to see how we remove it dust free.
Watch Our Crew Remove Flasgstone With the DustRam® System
Flagstone is probably one of the most difficult types of flooring to remove, regardless of the equipment used, and trying to remove it dust-free is extremely hard, but our patented DustRam® System does it every time.
Saltillo Tile Floor Removal Without the Dust Exposure
Watch Arizona Home Floors, a DustRam® certified contractor, remove Saltillo Tile Floor, without releasing crystalline silica dust back into the air your breathe.
Saltillo Tile Removal is One of the Most Difficult Types of Tile to Remove. Watch Our Saltillo Videos!
Cheap Tile Removal Vs Dust Free Flooring Removal
Which Method Ends Up Costing You More? The Truth!
Hidden Costs in a Cheap Tile Removal
As you will see in the video on the left, there are many inexperienced contractors and subcontractors using inferior equipment to remove flooring, resulting in a dusty, unhealthy mess and possibly unexpected costs to repair the damage. Our DustRam® System equipment by Jack King is the right solution to remove tile. Some contractors use equipment that they claim is “virtually dust-free.”
Any savings you wanted to achieve by using the least expensive tile floor removal company will quickly disappear when you have to call someone else to repair your floors or clean your home of the dust and debris they left. Check the local reviews to find BBB-rated businesses. Do not settle for the cheapest as you may get lousy service.
Floor Removal that is Truly Dust Free
The video below documents how the DustRam® System equipment can be used to create utility holes in concrete sub-floors and it is also done dust free. Why is this important? Because many times old water and sewer lines will fail and need to be repaired. Access to these pipes often means digging through existing ceramic tile.