Dustless Tile Removal in Phoenix, AZ
Certified DustRam® Contractor
50X Below OSHAs Permissible Exposure Limit of Silica Dust
Client Success Stories
We Capture 99.9995% of the Cancer-Causing Tile Dust
Are you searching for “tile removal near me?” Arizona Home Floors is the #1 dustless tile removal company in Phoenix, Arizona. We are a DustRam® Certified Contractor that removes commercial and residential floors, dust free. We get the job done 3 times faster and without exposing you and your family to the cancer-causing tile dust.
We offer a wide range of flooring and surface care services but our specialty is dustless tile floor removal. See our client reviews to learn more about our services and what we can do for you.
Our services are 99.99% dust free and we are OSHA Compliant.
We provide top-quality flooring removal results and leave your subfloor flatter, smoother, and ready for the installation of your new floor.
Make your health a priority and hire Arizona Home Floors for your tile removal job. We are DustRam® Certified and protect you against the carcinogenic dust
Before and After

Real Customers. Real Reviews.

Why Choose Arizona Home Floors?
Our Company is Certified By the Inventor of the Dust Free Method & Technology
To give you some ideas of the speed and efficiency of our Phoenix dustless tile removal process, most of our flooring removal projects are completed in just 1 day! This is 3X faster than other contractors in the industry.
- Our process is so clean, that no plastic sheeting, tape, or water is required to protect your home from dust.
- Your indoor air quality does not change even as tile and thinset are being removed at unbelievable speeds. We also keep our vacuums outside the home, unlike our competitors that bring them inside.
- Flooring can be removed from closets with clothing still hanging in them and from pantries with food still on the shelves without any dust exposure, ever!!!
- There is no need to move out of your home, pay for multiple visits from a commercial cleaning service, or put off the removal of your floors any longer. We capture 99.9995% of the dust and contain it. Silica dust will never touch the air you breathe.
- Our system also grinds the thinset down to the concrete slab and creates scarification which helps with better adhesion once the new floor is laid. We are known for our quality subfloor prep work.
- We GUARANTEE IN WRITING your home will be cleaner when we leave than it was when we arrived. We have air quality tests that PROVE how dust-free we are! Numbers don’t lie but other companies will!
Call AZ Home Floors today to book your dust free tile removal in Phoenix, Arizona: (602) 834-6567 we are here from 7:00 AM until 4:00 PM Monday through Friday. Get a free quote today, no need to keep searching for the best “dust free tile removal near me.” We’ve got you covered. Our team also offers tile installation and varying flooring installation services.
Request Your Free Project Estimate
The DustRam® System Captures Dust Before it Goes Airborne
1. +26 Times Patented Military-Grade Equipment
The proprietary patented DustRam® System is specially developed, military-grade equipment, rugged, and versatile enough to remove any type of flooring without any dust. The system consists of +26 patented & patent-pending devices that capture and contain the dust at the source, as it is being created and during every step of the removal process. We also have air quality tests that prove we are dust free. Our competitors don’t. DustRam® invented the dust-free industry and our entire team is certified and factory trained by DustRam®.
2. Our Advanced Technology is Faster, Cleaner, and More POWERFUL
Each tool is attached to a self-cleaning, triple HEPA filter vacuum now required by OSHA, to perform tile concrete floor projects. This technologically advanced floor tool not only eliminates dust from becoming airborne but also allows us to remove ceramic tile and other flooring materials more quickly and efficiently.
The DustRam® System was designed for contractors whose customers are concerned about the danger of exposure to the vast amount of dust created during traditional floor extraction methods and maintaining the cleanliness of their homes. Silica dust
3. Outdated Floor Removal Methods Expose You to the Carcinogenic Dust
Outdated tools, floor scrapers, and floor removing methods create so much dust, that it can take months (or longer!) to remove most of it from your home. Our dustless removal of tile flooring process protects you, your family, your home, and your belongings from dust contamination during the removal process.
4. A Cleaner, Healthier, and More Environmentally Friendly Process
Only the DustRam® System provides a clean, healthy, and environmentally friendly way to remove the tile and other floorings. This information will help you decide if we are the right contractor with the best equipment to work with you.
Get in touch with our team today to learn more about our dust free tile removal services in Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding areas.
Schedule Your Dust Free Tile Removal Job Today

+324% Dust Free According to OSHA Certified Field Testing Results
Our Floor Removal Services Are DUST FREE Not Dustless
Dustless is not the same as Dust Free when it comes to removing tile flooring. The dustless method filters 99.97% of the dust but doesn’t capture sufficient amounts of it to be recognized as a dust-free service.
DustRam® certified contractors, on the contrary, filter the dust and capture AND contain 99.9995% of it. Filtering and capturing are not the same. Below are more reasons you should hire a DustRam® contractor such as Arizona Home Floors for the job.
1. Homeowners with health issues such as allergies, asthma, or other respiratory conditions. We are healthier and environmentally safer.
2. Residences with elder parents, babies, toddlers and children, pets, and anyone you love dearly are at risk of exposure using outdated methods. We protect you from the dust.
3. The home and valuable belongings are going to get exposed to the carcinogenic tile dust. You will inevitably need to hire professional cleaning companies to deep clean the home for months to years just to get rid of the dust. We prevent dust exposure from start to finish and that is our promise to you. No need for professional cleaning services or hospital bills.
4. Those who want to maintain the cleanliness of their home during the remodeling process
5. Anyone who appreciates the highest quality, the best value they can obtain for their hard-earned dollar
6. Concrete cutting and concrete trenching to provide access to underground utilities
Choose AZ Home Floors for your dustless tile removal in Phoenix, Arizona.
Take a Look at Our Frequently Asked Questions

Our Dust Capturing Vacuums Self Clean Every 5 Seconds...
When it Comes to Tile Floor Removal Every Second Matters!

We grind thin-set & scarify the concrete for better floor bonding during your installation process. Notice how the subfloor is smoother & flatter. This helps with prevention of future foundation issues in the structure of the property.

Our system efficiently removes tile, captures 99.97% of dust, and better prepares your subfloor for the installation. Don't compromise quality by choosing a cheaper service.
Contractors and companies without the DustRam® System Equipment lack our patented, state-of-the-art removal equipment, specialized training, and expertise. Our patented vacuums self-clean themselves and run at maximum air flow all day long. While dustless contractors have to wait to notice dust loss and then proceed with manually purging their equipment. These seconds are what differentiate a dustless service from one that is DUST FREE.
Please be on the alert for false advertising, misrepresented claims, poorly fabricated imitations of our products, and use of various terms similar to dust-free, dustless, low dust, virtually dust-free, no dust, clean tile demolition, or other scams that do not deliver what is promised.
Even if a company claims their service is 98% free of dust, that means if your removal produces 500 lbs. of dust (about 500 sq. ft. of tile), then the 2% left behind is equal to 10 lbs. of dust that will contaminate and circulate throughout your home! Be sure to verify any claims of what results you can expect from any company claiming to provide clean or virtually dust-free tile removal by checking their reviews, asking for references, and checking if their license is current, suspended, or previously revoked under a different business name. Investigate further any customer complaints which may have been filed with the Arizona Registrar of Contractors.
Dust Free Thinset Removal Services
Once Your Floors Are Demolished Our Services Also Include:
- Referrals to expert no dust floor leveling and concrete leveling services for super flat floors
- Referrals to expert precision surface preparation to achieve the manufacturer’s recommended specifications
- Referrals to expert floor prep with dust-free concrete grinding
- Referrals are trained experts that use the methods pioneered by Arizona Home Floors to scientifically flatten concrete inside occupied residential homes to an incredible 1/16-inch in 50 linear feet, well above Industry Standards.
- These accurate and detailed processes allow an expert to determine exactly what areas are too high, and using the DustRam® System Equipment, will grind those flat dust free. Afterward, raise any low areas using an appropriate primer and leveler to create what is known as a “Super Flat Floor.”
- For additional videos and information on this amazing technique, please visit our Arizona Home Floors YouTube Channel.
Our Tile Removal Team Has Decades of Combined Experience
All DustRam® System Contractors are required to attend 3 Days of Hands-On job site training to learn the processes and proper use of the equipment before it is shipped to them for use in their business.
All of our experienced, highly trained, and courteous crew members have passed a drug test & background check, are United States citizens, and speak fluent English. Customer reviews frequently mention the hard work, dedication, and outstanding Customer Service everyone from our office to job site staff consistently provides to our valued clients.
To learn more about dust free tile removal in Phoenix, or to arrange a Personal Consultation in your home, please call us at (602) 834-6567 or E-mail us today. Our Estimate Fee is fully refundable if you choose to use our services for your remodel project. If you live outside the state of Arizona, Find An Authorized DustRam® System Floor Removal Contractor In Your State Here.
Contact AZ Home Floors Today
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